The “Scholarship Scheme” aims to praise student-athletes who accomplish remarkable sports achievement and to encourage them to pursue higher academic qualifications while continue to make breakthrough in their sports, so that they can become outstanding student-athletes who excel in both academic and sports. Successful applicants will be granted scholarship through the scheme.
2025/2026 UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Admission Scheme (2nd Batch, Non-local Students)
(Application Date: 1 May to 31 May 2025)
运动技术测试內容 | |||
羽毛球 | 男子篮球 | 女子篮球 | 龙舟 |
击剑 | 空手道 | 荷球 | 武术 |
攀岩 | 男子足球 | 壁球 | 游泳 |
乒乓球 | 网球 | 田径 | 排球 |
- 简介
- 申请资格
- 近3年内(2023年至2025年)获得国家一级运动员,在国际或全国集体项目比赛中获得前8名的主力队员或个人项目前3名运动员;
- 除羽毛球、网球、足球(男子)、篮球(男子)、攀岩、田径及游泳项目外,近3年内(2023年至2025年)获得国家二级运动员或同等资格,在省级或以上比赛中集体项目获得前6名的主力队员或个人项目前3名运动员;
- 达到澳门大学的一般入学要求和个别课程的特定入学要求;
- 招收运动项目:篮球、足球(男子)、排球、羽毛球、*击剑(重剑)、乒乓球、网球、游泳、田径、龙舟、攀岩、荷球、**壁球、武术及空手道。
- 录取及奖学金颁发
- 本校将根据申请人之运动比赛成绩及运动技术测试等,择优录取。
- 非本地申请人可给予相应的高考优惠政策,最高可给予所属省市之全国高等学校统一招生考试分数本科第二批 (1)录取控制分数线;(2)录取最低控制分数线;(3)最低投档控制分数线或普通类分段线的80%。另外高考英语必须达到110分或以上;除设立高考优惠政策外,经此计划正式录取者将可获颁发奖学金。
- 奖学金之颁发是由本校「杰出运动员入学计划」评审委员会审议。奖学金内容包括学费及书院住宿费首学年全免或半免。有关奖学金之延续,将于正常学习年限内按学生之校内学业成绩及运动比赛表现继续颁发。
4. 申请人经此计划被正式录取时,如自选的课程专业未能达到录取要求,必须服从本校的专业分配安排。
- 申请须知
- 非本地申请人须具有高中毕业或相当于高中毕业的文化程度,并须参加由各省市组织的2025年全国高等学校统一招生考试。
- 申请人必须于2025年5月6日至6月26日完成报读澳门大学2025/2026学年内地学生本科课程之网上报名手续,否则其「澳门大学杰出运动员入学计划」之申请将视作放弃处理。详情可浏览注册处网页:。
- 申请人须在2025年5月31日或之前于网上填写申请(,并把有关奖项及证书之复印本扫瞄后上载于网上申请表内,扫瞄文件必须以便携式文件格式(即PDF檔)上载。(注:填写网上报名表时,请准备上述文件后才进行报名。)
申请表二维码: |
4. 资料核对后,本部将于6月9日或之前电邮各申请人通知申请结果。如于上述日期后未收到电邮,可联系本部查询。申请人如完成报名手续,并且符合资格,澳门大学将于2025年6月14及15日为15个运动项目进行专项测试。此外,于6月15日所有申请者需参加本校安排的英语能力测试(笔试),专项测试及英语能力测试时间表,请参阅:
请参阅: 测试地点:中国澳门氹仔大学大马路澳门大学 (注:需办理签证入境澳门) |
5. 申请人于测试期間可申请入住澳门大学聚贤楼(N1)。符合测试资格的申请者将于6月3日收到住宿申请邮件,请按指引及时完成申请。由于房间数量有限,建议有住宿需求的申请人尽早提交申请。
6. 澳门大学将于报名成功后以电邮形式发出《运动专项测试邀请函》,目的是为了申请人及陪同人(最多两名)能顺利地申请相关的通行证明文件到澳门大学进行运动专项测试。
- 义务
经「杰出运动员入学计划」(非本地生) 获本校奖学金入学之学生,于在学期间有义务参与大学举办之体育活动及代表澳门大学参加各类型运动赛事。。
- 奖学金延续要求
- 凡经「杰出运动员入学计划」入学的在读学生可根据校内学业成绩及运动成就于第二至正常学习年限继续享有与首学年相同之奖学金;
- 于上学年学生之学业成绩须达平均绩点2.0或以上(而法学士学位之学生每学年需达二十分制之十分或以上),并且必须参与校队的训练(出席率达80%或以上)及代表澳门大学参加各类型运动赛事;
- 积极参与校队相关活动;
- 奖学金内容可根据学生的态度和运动表现进行提升、降低或终止。
- 奬学金的终止
- 未履行相关之义务;
- 未达到上述学年学业成绩之规定;
- 未能于正常学习年限内完成学业;
- 未达到校队训练及比赛之要求;
- 经发现提供虚假资料或声明,其获奬学金的资格会被取消及要求学生退还相关的奖学金,并于紧接的两学年内不接纳其申请此计划。
- 结果通知
「澳门大学杰出运动员入学计划(非本地学生)」之正式录取结果将于 2025年7月中旬由校方一并公布。获颁发奖学金之申请人将由校方以电邮通知。
电话:(853)8822 4415 / 8822 4410
传真:(853)8822 2407
UM Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes
Skill Test Content | |||
Badminton | Men’s Basketball | Women’s Basketball | Dragon Boat |
Fencing | Karate | Korfball | Martial Arts |
Rock Climbing | Men’s Soccer | Squash | Swimming |
Table Tennis | Tennis | Track and Field | Volleyball |
1. Purpose
As the primary comprehensive university in the region, the University of Macau is committed to fostering local high quality and well-round talents as our mission. To this end, the “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” is established to allow local secondary school principals to recommend outstanding students for direct admission. This scheme aims to encourage local outstanding student athletes to pursue higher education as well as excel in their athletic performance. |
2. Recommended Qualification
2.1 Recommended applicants must possess the following conditions: |
2.1.1 Excellent sports performance and good conduct;
2.1.2 Currently studying in Form 6 or equivalent in an officially recognized secondary school in Macao;
2.1.3 Representing Macao S.A.R. to participate in international/regional sports competition within the last two years (need to provide related certificate).
2.2 Applicants, who do not fulfil the condition of 1.1.3 above but have represented Macao S.A.R. with good sports performance, can also apply by submitting the recommendation letter from sports association together with the recommendation by the school principal. |
3. Application Procedures and Documents
3.1 Recommended applicants must submit an online application for Principals’ Recommended Admission (Sports Category) together with all required documents within the application period. (Please refer to the “User Manual of Online Application System for Principals’ Recommended Admission 2025/2026”). |
3.2 Recommended applicants need to scan and upload the following documents on to the system:
3.2.1 Valid Macao I.D. card (both sides on one A4 size paper);
3.2.2 One passport size color photo (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm and white background is preferred);
3.2.3 Official transcript of academic records for the recent two years (Form 4 to Form 5) of secondary education;
3.2.4 Related certificates or proof of representing Macao S.A.R. to participate or receive award in international/regional sports competition within the last two years, or a written recommendation from sports association (A4 size);
3.2.5 Faculty Interview and Sports Skill Test will be conducted for qualified applicants. (Please visit OSA sports scholarship website for Sports Skill Test details: (
4. Successful Applicants
4.1 Scholarship for “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student Athletes” |
4.1.1 All applicants admitted to Bachelor’s degree programme through “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” do not need to take the joint admission examination and will be granted one of the below scholarships,
Scholarship Type | Content |
University of Macau Golden Lotus Scholarship |
University of Macau Silver Lotus Scholarship |
University of Macau First Year Scholarship |
With exemption of Joint Admission Examination |
4.1.2 For students to be admitted through “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” admission assessment will be based on applicants’ sports achievements, faculty interview and sports skill test performance (if applicable);
4.1.3 The total quota of “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” is 50;
4.1.4 “University of Macau Lotus Scholarship” can be extended after assessment, and “University of Macau First Year Scholarship” will only be given in the 1st academic year. The scholarship amount for “University of Macau First Year Scholarship” will be used to offset part of the tuition fee payable for the 1st semester of academic year;
4.1.5 Assessment of the recipients will be carried out for extending/adjusting/terminating the granted “University of Macau Lotus Scholarship” in the 2nd academic year to normal period of study subjected to their academic performance, sports achievement, and training attendance, etc.
4.2 Successful applicants are not permitted to change their programmes of study once they have confirmed acceptance to the University and must join the University of Macau Sports Team within their normal period of study. |
4.3 After a successful applicant has accepted the admission (returning the “Statement of Acceptance”), he/she is not permitted to apply for admission to the Bachelor’s degree programmes of the University by other channels. If he/she is found to be admitted through other channels, the University reserves the rights to cancel his/her admission qualifications. |
4.4 All students admitted through this scheme will follow the Admission Rules Governing Bachelor’s Degree Programmes. Please visit for details. |
5. Obligations
Upon admission, scholarship recipients are obliged to represent UM to participate in any sports competitions, participate and assist in any university sports activities during the undergraduate study. |
6. Admission Policy for Students with Disability
To provide equal admission opportunities, necessary study environment and facilities for students with disability, the University has devised the “Admission Policy for Students with Disability”. Please visit for details. |
7. Disqualification of Application, Admission or Study
7.1 The University reserves the rights to reject any applications from students beyond the top 10% in terms of academic performance in their Form 5/Grade 11/Senior Middle 2 study. |
7.2 Applicants must guarantee that the information given in the application form is TRUE. The University of Macau reserves the rights to terminate an application, admission or study at any time if: |
-any information given in his/her application form is found later to be untrue and/or incorrect;
-an applicant offered with admission is found to have violated any of the regulations of the University of Macau or misconduct behavior. Should such cases occur, any fees paid will not be refunded and all documents submitted will not be returned.
7.3 Registered students of University of Macau cannot concurrently register/enroll in any other higher education programme(s) in Macao. |
8. Continuation Rules of Scholarship for “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” (Eligible for University of Macau Lotus Scholarship)
8.1 Current students who are scholarship recipients of the Scholarship for “Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme for Outstanding Student-Athletes” may continue to enjoy such scholarship in the second academic year to normal period of study subjected to their academic performance and sports achievement; |
8.2 Scholarship recipients must meet the academic requirements of yearly GPA no less than 2.0 in their previous academic year of study (For students studying in the Bachelor of Law programme, the yearly scales must not be less than 10 out of 20), and fulfill 80% of attendance rate of their related UM Sports Team regular training and participate in competitions; |
8.3 Active participation in all sports team related events. |
8.4 The scholarship eligibility may be promoted, demoted or terminated subject to the students’ attitude and sports performance. |
9. Termination of Scholarship
9.1 The University reserves the rights to terminate the scholarship (inclusive of tuition fee waiver and related eligibility) if a student: |
9.1.1 could not fulfil the aforementioned obligations;
9.1.2 could not achieve the academic year’s performance mentioned above;
9.1.3 could not complete his/her study within the normal period of study;
9.1.4 is not able to meet the requirement of his/her related UM Sports Team’s training and competition.
9.1.5 is found to have provided false information, his/her eligibility for the scholarship will
be revoked and will be required to return any received scholarship. Additionally, his/her application for this scheme will not be accepted for the following two academic years.
UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme
Outstanding Student-Athletes Scholarship (Current Student)
(Application date: Open now until 26 April 2023)
“UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme” aims to praise student-athletes who accomplish remarkable sports achievement and to encourage them to pursue higher academic qualifications while continue to make breakthrough in their sports, so that they can become outstanding student-athletes who excel in both academic and sports.
- To reward outstanding UM student-athletes;
- To encourage outstanding student-athletes to make continuous development during studies;
- To promote UM students’ all-around development;
- To build up the UM reputation;
- To enhance students’ sense of belonging among the UM community.
- A current student-athlete studying in UM; and
- Represented UM to participate in sports competition in 2022/2023 (1 May 2022 to 30 April 2023); and
- Meet the academic requirement of UM student-athletes (GPA2.3 or above); and
- Not a current recipient of any form of scholarship (sports-related) from UM.
The scholarship is given to applicant(s) according to their sports achievement and academic performance deliberated by the “UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Admission Award Scheme” Evaluation Committee. The scholarship includes full or half waiver of tuition fees in the following academic year (for the applicant(s) who will also be the active UM student(s) in the following academic year) while applicant(s) with remarkable achievement may be given study allowance. The scholarship must be applied in each academic year and the continuation of this scholarship depends on the academic and sports performance of the awardee(s).
Application Information
- All applicants must fill in the Online Application Form ( within the application period (Open now until 26 April 2023);
- Please send the copies of competition result / certificate / award photos and other related documents via email to OSA (Office of Sports Affairs) within the application period (Open now until 26 April 2023);
- The email subject should be in the “Name of Applicant_Application to UM Outstanding Athletes”;
- Please use your UM email address for sending the related documents for your application;
- OSA will request the applicant to provide the original of the relevant application documents if necessary.
Announcement of Result
The application result of the “UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme” will be presented to the awardees on 5 May 2023 at the “UM Sports Awards Presentation Ceremony”.
Note: UM reserves the final right of interpretation for details and issuance of Scholarship of the “UM Outstanding Student-Athletes Award Scheme”.
QR code of online application form
Office of Sports Affairs
Tel: 8822 4415 / 8822 4410
Fax: 8822 2407