Activities before 201907

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UMSU – Cycle Society Activity : Outbound Cycling Event in late Dec. 2016 (Reg. booth in E3 during 10-16 Oct.)



UMSU – Cycle Society Activity : Outbound Cycling Event in late Dec. 2016 (Reg. booth in E3 during 10-16 Oct.)2020-08-12T15:18:19+08:00

(1) UM Students and Staff participated in National Day Happy March 2016 (2) UM Track and Field Team Members in 5th place at Running Event



(1) UM Students and Staff participated in National Day Happy March 2016 (2) UM Track and Field Team Members in 5th place at Running Event2020-08-12T15:19:48+08:00

Chinese Educators’ Association – The 27th Macau Teachers Running Race Competition (Deadline for Registration : 9/9)



Chinese Educators’ Association – The 27th Macau Teachers Running Race Competition (Deadline for Registration : 9/9)2020-08-12T16:16:05+08:00
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