Activities before 201907

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Result of Men’s Student of the 1st Phase of UM Sports Events 2016/2017 – UM 3 on 3 Basketball Competition (Finals to be held on 15 Feb)



Result of Men’s Student of the 1st Phase of UM Sports Events 2016/2017 – UM 3 on 3 Basketball Competition (Finals to be held on 15 Feb)2020-08-12T12:19:48+08:00

UM Sports Events 2016/2017 – UM 3 on 3 Basketball Competition – Competition Schedule on 12 Feb. (Men’s Student Group : 14:00 – 16:00)



UM Sports Events 2016/2017 – UM 3 on 3 Basketball Competition – Competition Schedule on 12 Feb. (Men’s Student Group : 14:00 – 16:00)2020-08-12T12:28:45+08:00

UMSU Rock Climbing Club – Weekly Climbing Experience Session (13/2 ~ 5/5 : Monday and Friday, 20:00 – 22:00)



UMSU Rock Climbing Club – Weekly Climbing Experience Session (13/2 ~ 5/5 : Monday and Friday, 20:00 – 22:00)2020-08-12T12:30:09+08:00

The Cycling Activity in Lunar New Year 2017 (a few quotas are available to UM Members, registration deadline : 23 Dec. (by 1pm), first-come first-served)



The Cycling Activity in Lunar New Year 2017 (a few quotas are available to UM Members, registration deadline : 23 Dec. (by 1pm), first-come first-served)2020-08-12T14:12:22+08:00

Dancers are not Backstage 2016 ~ organized by Dance Society of UMSU (Ticket counter at E4 until 17 Nov.)



Dancers are not Backstage 2016 ~ organized by Dance Society of UMSU (Ticket counter at E4 until 17 Nov.)2020-08-12T14:31:31+08:00
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