Activities before 201907

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“2018 Macau Higher Education Institute Badminton Competition” – 15 Mar (Thu), 19:30 at Sports Complex of Macau Baptist College (UM vs IPM) Semi-finals



“2018 Macau Higher Education Institute Badminton Competition” – 15 Mar (Thu), 19:30 at Sports Complex of Macau Baptist College (UM vs IPM) Semi-finals2020-08-11T16:37:12+08:00

UM Men’s Basketball Team and Women’s Basketball Team will participate “20th CUBA League” in Wuhan



UM Men’s Basketball Team and Women’s Basketball Team will participate “20th CUBA League” in Wuhan2020-08-11T16:38:23+08:00

2017-2018 Macau University 3 on 3 Basketball Championship held on 24 February (Sat) at UM (starting at 9am)



2017-2018 Macau University 3 on 3 Basketball Championship held on 24 February (Sat) at UM (starting at 9am)2020-08-11T16:48:40+08:00

Staff Badminton Friendly Match between University of Macau and Peking University was held successfully



Staff Badminton Friendly Match between University of Macau and Peking University was held successfully2020-08-11T16:57:01+08:00

“Magic Dance” on 30 Mar / 19:30 / University Hall (N2) ~ Jointly Organized by Magic Society & Dance Society of UMSU (Ticket is available at Counters E4, E21 and E22)



“Magic Dance” on 30 Mar / 19:30 / University Hall (N2) ~ Jointly Organized by Magic Society & Dance Society of UMSU (Ticket is available at Counters E4, E21 and E22)2020-08-12T11:29:19+08:00
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